Prepare for your colon hydrotherapy at L.O.V.E. Detox Spa with our pre-care guide below. Learn essential tips to ensure a comfortable and effective cleansing experience. Ensure optimal results from your colon hydrotherapy at L.O.V.E. Detox Spa with our comprehensive post-care instructions.

Discover the best practices for recovery and continued wellness.

The main purpose of a colon hydrotherapy session is to hydrate the waste in the colon, so that it becomes soft enough to pass gently. 

Pre Colon Hydrotherapy

There are quite a few ways you can prepare for these sessions. 

Hydration is essential! Starting as early as 72-48hours prior, start increasing your fluid intake. Fluids like water, herbal teas, and coconut water are the things that hydrate us. These are the fluids we need to consume for hydration and preparation. This is the time to reduce sugar filled & dehydrating “drinks” such as coffee, soda, processed teas and juices.  

Also, in this time period it is best to reduce meals that are heavy white carb/starchy in nature. It’s best to consume more fruits, vegetables, and salads. Meats are acceptable, reducing red meats and dairy during this time period is also encouraged.  

The day of your colon hydrotherapy session eat light, no big meals, coffee or sugary snacks prior. Please also do not eat 2 hours prior to your session.  

Alcohol consumption is not encouraged in this time period either, but most definitely not the day prior or the day of your session. 

All of these recommendations are for you! These suggestions help prepare your body for the ultimate experience of letting go! Please take the time to care for yourself properly prior to your colon hydrotherapy sessions. This will benefit your experience! 

L.O.V.E. your experience, prepare properly! 

Post Colon Hydrotherapy Care

Now that you have had your colon hydrotherapy session, there are some things you should do to take care of yourself.  

The first thing is to stay hydrating yourself the same way you were in your preparation for this session. Also to keep the sugary, dehydrating drinks (coffee, processed teas, soda, juice) out of your diet. 

You will also want to continue following your preparation diet for the rest of the day. 

There are some things you should avoid on days you have colonics. 

These are -alcohol – coffee – bread – pasta – rice – cookies/cakes/candy – red meats – dairy/ice cream/cheese/yogurt. 

There are some symptoms that may occur after a colon hydrotherapy session. Your body is detoxing/cleaning itself. The term Healing Crisis applies to symptoms that can potentially occur after a session. Symptoms may include – sleepy – weak – headaches – hot or cold flashes. These are symptoms of detoxing. The best things you can do to assist your body in detoxing is proper care, as recommended in the pre colon hydrotherapy instructions, and to follow up with the post care recommended here. 

It is possible a colon hydrotherapy session could cause a shift in your normal bowel cycle. You may find it takes a day or two for you to have a natural movement. This is normal. It is also normal for some to have a movement with their natural cycle.  

Abnormal responses may require a doctor. Abnormal responses are things like – fever – prolonged vomiting – fainting – excessive dizziness – rectal bleeding. These responses are Abnormal! They do not happen often, please call your technician and a doctor if you feel it is necessary in this circumstance.    

L.O.V.E. your detoxing body! Take time to rest, eat well, stay hydrated and listen to the needs of your body.